SSE knew | Biden faces impeachment investigation! Send a message about Tesla Musk! New iPhone released Apple fell.

Today’s guide

  US House Speaker McCarthy said that an impeachment investigation will be launched against President Biden.

  Musk posted a tweet saying thatAlmost all long-term value will come from AI and.

  ·Release a new generation of smartphones, iPhone 15 series and smart watches. However, during the press conference, the stock price once fell by 2.5% and closed down by 1.71% on the same day.

Highlights selection

  According to CCTV news, on the 12th local time, US House Speaker McCarthy said on social media.The US House of Representatives will launch an impeachment investigation against President Biden.. McCarthy said that he would vote on the impeachment investigation.

  The White House issued a statement on September 12, saying that on the same day, senior government officials such as US Secretary of Commerce Raymond will convene the AI ? ? industry at the White House., announced that Adobe, Cohere, IBM,Eight companies, Palantir, Salesforce, Scale AI and Stability, promised to takeVoluntary regulatory measures to manage the risk of AI technology development.

  In the early morning of Beijing time, a new generation of smart phones, iPhone 15 series and smart watches, were released. Among them, the iPhone 15 and Plus are equipped with A16 chips, starting at $799 and $899 respectively, and the iPhone 15 Pro starts at $999. However, during the press conference, Apple’s share price once fell by 2.5% and closed down by 1.71% that day.

  Musk posted on Twitter on September 11 th: "Almost all long-term value will come from AI and, including cars and human figures. "

  The State Council SASAC Party Committee held a meeting, put forward toDeepen the promotion of state-owned assets in Northeast ChinaVigorously enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and give full play to the leading role of state-owned enterprises in revitalizing the Northeast.

  The Ministry of Finance issued the "Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for the Development of inclusive finance", and the financial department gave the actual loans to qualified entrepreneurial guarantee loans.50% financial discount.

  The collection of the guidelines for the transfer of the North Stock Exchange will be closed on September 12th. Industry insiders predict that as the starting gun to promote the turntable, the revised turntable guidelines will be released and implemented soon.

  Since September,More than 30 cities have optimized and adjusted their real estate policies or announced the implementation of "recognizing houses but not loans". Pre-wait-and-see or backlog of housing demand is expected to be further released in the near future.

  Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Association, said that China’s automobile sales in 2023 may be better than the 3% growth forecast, and it is expected that there will be no sharp price reduction in the second half of the year.

  The first "carbon neutral linked" loan in Hebei Province recentlyLanding reflects the exemplary role of Xiong ‘an as a model of green development city and leading the province’s green and low-carbon transformation.

  Shenzhen Stock Exchange announced thatAnd related parties gave informed criticism disciplinary action because of its 2022 year.With beforeThe forecast is quite different, and the nature of profit and loss changes.

  On the 12th, many aquaculture industriesAmong the top gainers, China Merchants CSI Animal Husbandry ETF rose by 1.81%; DuozhiIndustry ETFs were among the top losers, and Huaxia CSI Animation ETF fell by 1.88%.

  On the 12th, northbound funds sold 1.98 billion yuan.Net purchase of 624 million yuan,The net purchases all exceeded 100 million yuan.

Global dynamics

  On Tuesday, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.18% to 3,137.06 points.Down 0.08%,It fell by 0.59%. The total turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges was 708.3 billion yuan, a decrease of 132.9 billion yuan compared with the previous trading day. The feed aquaculture sector was among the top gainers.Daily limit,Up nearly 4%. The pharmaceutical sector continued to be active.Leading the way,Daily limitThe concept opened higher,Daily limit The media sector was among the top losers.

  In overseas markets, the three major US stock indexes closed down across the board, with the Dow down 0.05%, the S&P 500 down 0.57% and the Nasdaq down 1.04%.It plummeted by 13.5% and fell by 2.23%. In terms of Chinese stocks, individual stocks performed differently.Up 6.54%,Up by 4.25%.

  In terms of European stocks, Germany’s DAX index fell 0.54%, France’s CAC40 index fell 0.35%, and Britain’s FTSE 100 index rose 0.41%.

  Commodity futures, internationalAcross the board, US oil rose by 1.71% and cloth oil rose by 1.5%. International gold futures prices fell by 0.57%.

Hot spot interpretation

  Fujian will build a demonstration zone for cross-strait integration and development

  The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Supporting Fujian to Explore a New Road for Cross-Strait Integration and Development and Build a Demonstration Zone for Cross-Strait Integration and Development", with the goal of makingFujian asTaiwan compatriots and enterprises landed in the first home.The effect is fully manifested. It will promote the infrastructure of Fujian and Taiwan to be fully accessible, build a three-dimensional comprehensive channel hub for Taiwan, and smooth the connecting channels between Fujian and Taiwan and other parts of the mainland. Support Xiamen and Jinmen to accelerate the integration and development, support Fuzhou and Mazu to deepen the integration and development, and accelerate the opening and development of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone.

  Recently, the third RCEP International Cooperation Forum was successfully held in Xiamen. YuekaiIt is believed that under the background of accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, Fujian’s strategic position continues to rise, and its economic and fiscal growth momentum is expected to increase. The central government clearly supports Fujian’s policy advantages in exploring new ways of cross-strait integration and development and multi-zone superposition. The effective implementation of RCEP provides an important opportunity for Fujian to promote market opening, stabilize industrial chain supply chain and promote regional development.

  The transformation of villages in cities has been accelerated in first-tier cities.

  Recently, Guangzhou Anju Group was established to contribute to the operation of affordable housing and the transformation of villages in cities. Minhang District, Shanghai has also proposed that four reconstruction projects in urban villages will be implemented this year. It is planned that by 2027, the renovation of incomplete old houses will be completed. At present, the policy is increasing support for the reconstruction of villages in cities. Some local investors and financiers said that considering that the issuance of special bonds this year is nearing the end, the special bonds for the reconstruction of villages in cities are expected to be issued next year.

  The executive meeting of the State Council held on July 21st deliberated and adopted the Guiding Opinions on Actively and Steadily Promoting the Reconstruction of Villages in Megacities.It is predicted that in terms of investment, the investment scale of urban village reconstruction will be flat or stronger than that of shed reform; In terms of sales or industrial chain pulling, the pulling effect of urban village transformation on the national sales area is weaker than that of shed reform, butIt will have a greater pulling effect on first-and second-tier cities., and more persistent.

  Huawei’s new M7 series was officially released.

  On the afternoon of September 12th, the launch conference of AITO’s new M7 series was held, and the new M7 series was officially released and delivered. It is understood that AITO’s new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI DATS 2.0, with a comprehensive battery life of 1,300 kilometers, a pure battery life of more than 240 kilometers, a rear-drive version with a fuel consumption of 5.6L per 100 kilometers and a four-wheel drive version with a fuel consumption of 5.8L per 100 kilometers, which is 8% lower than that of an upgraded intelligent extended-range model.

  Since the release of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 in April this year, a variety of scene libraries have been built on the AI ? ? training cluster, and more than 10 million kilometers of deep learning have been carried out every day. As of September, the long-distance NCA pilot MPI (average takeover mileage) reached 200 kilometers, and the success rate of urban elevated import and export reached over 99%.

  Huawei has a strong technical accumulation in the ICT field, and has made an all-round attack in the "cloud-tube-end" three links in the automotive field, and laid out five modules: intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, intelligent networking, intelligent electric and intelligent Che Yun.Full-stack smart car solutions have strong market competitiveness.Long-term optimismIndustrial chain and Huawei’s smart business model.

Company news

  zeroWin a globalCompany supplier nomination

  Shanghai Enjie, a holding subsidiary, received a supplier nomination letter from a global company and confirmed to be its.Diaphragm supplier. Shanghai Enjie will go to its production bases in Europe and Asia from 2023 to 2031.Mainstream models supply isolation film products..

  zeroWait for the company to planshare

  The shares to be repurchased are 500 million to 1 billion yuan, and the repurchase price shall not exceed 150 yuan/share.

  It is planned to buy back 80 million to 150 million yuan of shares, and the repurchase price shall not exceed 135 yuan/share.

  The shares to be repurchased are 100 million to 200 million yuan, and the repurchase price shall not exceed 220 yuan/share.

  It is planned to buy back 30 million to 60 million yuan of shares at a price not exceeding 42 yuan per share.

  zeroIt is planned to purchase the equity of Jiangxi Boquan.

  It is planned to purchase 40.0788% equity of Jiangxi Boquan with no more than 100 million yuan, which is mainly engaged inSpecial chemicalsR&D, production and sales. this timeIt will fill in the key points needed by the company in other key processes of copper surface treatment such as pulse electroplating and hole filling electroplating.Products.

  zeroWill be controlled.Increase in holdings

  On September 12, the controlling shareholder group increased its holdings of A shares by 21,957,100 shares, accounting for 0.0985% of the total shares, and plans to increase its holdings by no less than 500 million yuan and no more than 1 billion yuan in the next 12 months (including this increase).

  zeroReceive the application for medical equipment registration and accept it.

  Viora, a subsidiary, received the acceptance notice issued by National Medical Products Administration, which declared three categories.The application for registration was accepted, that is, the optical RF therapeutic instrument with model V20. V20 is a combination of RF and intense pulsed light energy source developed by Viora.Medical beauty multifunctional operation platform.

  zeroWaiting for the company to win the bid for the national grid project.

  The subsidiary’s large porcelain materials won the bid for the sixty-fifth batch of procurement of State Grid in 2023 (the fourth bidding procurement of line installation materials for power transmission and transformation projects) and the sixty-ninth batch of procurement of State Grid in 2023 (The fifth material bidding and procurement of the project), the total amount of pre-winning bid is about 249 million yuan, accounting for 20.67% of the revenue in 2022.

  The subsidiary Tongguang Guangneng and Tongguang Optical Cable won the bid for the sixty-fifth batch of State Grid’s procurement in 2023 (the fourth bidding and purchasing of line installation materials for power transmission and transformation projects) and the sixty-ninth batch of State Grid’s procurement in 2023 (the fifth bidding and purchasing of materials for projects), with a total bid amount of 236 million yuan, accounting for 11.32% of the revenue in 2022.

  Buying seats in two institutions

  On the 12th, the total amount of seats won by the two institutions was 70.0345 million yuan, accounting for 5.97% of the total turnover of the whole day.

  It is believed that since the beginning of this year, the AIGC field has been constantly catalyzed, the demand for computing power has soared, and the continuous growth of data traffic has driven the development of the network equipment market. Actively expanding the data communication market has been realized at present.100G/400G high-end switchMass production delivery. The company’s Haining high-end switch fundraising project is progressing smoothly, and it is expected to reach the scheduled usable state in the first quarter of 2025. With the expansion of production capacity, there is still much room for improvement in the share of downstream customers.

  zeroIt is said that relying on the strategic deployment of "@ Digital Smart City Manager", the company realizes the three-dimensional urban transportation management and grid-based refined management of the whole scene, all elements and the whole process. passIntegration, the company opens the intelligent layout in the service fields such as sanitation and cleaning, and realizes"Robot+Sanitation". At present, the company is in handThe total amount and the amount of contracts to be executed continue to grow, and the future performance growth can be expected.

  zeroIt is said that the company is a leading supplier of integrated circuit EDA software and wafer-level electrical test equipment. In the first half of the year, it continuously expanded the breadth and depth of product application through continuous innovation, and its performance increased rapidly. Recently, the company has released the first manufacturability design tool-chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) modeling software.Products such as automatic defect classification system and upgraded WAT test equipment (T4000 model) will provide multi-point engines for business growth in the future.

  zeroSaid that the biological production of kitchen waste oil raw materialsIt is a necessary supplement to the European market, and the company’s waste oil supply has unique conditions in the global industry, which is in line with the energy strategic development route of the European Union and the United States. In the long run, with the illegal enterprises gradually withdrawing from the market and the continuous production of new SAF devices in Europe and America, the company has a competitive advantage among UCO compliance suppliers with limited production.