Talent show, handicraft skills … Migrant workers turned into anchors to achieve counterattack.

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  The raging epidemic has disrupted the pace of life and work of many people, and also ignited the "home economy" including live broadcast. This Spring Festival, Jiang Heng, a 20-year-old rural girl, returned to live broadcast after only four days’ rest, and accompanied nearly 20,000 fans online for this exceptionally long holiday … …

  "During the epidemic, everyone must pay more attention to protection and go out as little as possible. If you have nothing to do, you can go to the live broadcast room in Hengheng. I will chat with you and sing your favorite songs … …” At 6 o’clock on the morning of March 10th, Jiang Heng, dressed properly, was already sitting in front of the computer and officially started the live broadcast of the day.

  Live stream economy, online celebrity, which is not limited by time and space, has made great strides at present, and the low employment threshold has also enabled many grassroots people who have walked out of the countryside to find a way to break through the trend. A few days ago, the reporter interviewed three anchors from online celebrity, who were born in rural areas, to find out their stories of life counterattack.

  Catering executives transform into anchors.

  Jiang Heng’s hometown is in Shuangyang, Changchun, and he was promoted from a waiter to a supervisor. More than half a year ago, due to too much entertainment, Jiang Heng was admitted to the hospital. After leaving the hospital, she resigned decisively. After resigning, she was introduced by a friend to the current live broadcast company. After a simple interview, she became the key training object of the company because of her sweet appearance and steady personality.

  After joining the company, she ate and lived in the studio provided by the company. The room of more than ten square meters is warmly decorated. The company is equipped with a set of live broadcast equipment. The sound card, camera and lighting are all deployed by professional teachers according to her voice and appearance characteristics. This job is a surprise for Jiang Heng, and the working environment is more comfortable.

  "At first, I felt that the live broadcast was very simple. After a long time, I found that there was actually a lot to learn." Jiang Heng told reporters that on the surface, it is easy for the live broadcast industry to make money, but it takes a lot of thought to ensure the stability of income. Usually, she will watch more live broadcasts of others, learn from experience and find out the shortcomings.

  Within more than a month after the outbreak, the number of fans of Jiang Heng soared by more than 10,000. At the worst of the epidemic, the live broadcast rooms are discussing related topics. Jiang Heng is also cooperating with everyone’s schedule to extend the live broadcast time appropriately, and often reminds everyone to pay attention to protection and comfort fans in the epidemic area. "I hope that the epidemic will pass quickly and everything will be fine." Jiang Heng said.

  In the past, Jiang Heng’s family was very opposed to her being an anchor, but now there is no prejudice, and they have also opened accounts to increase the popularity of Jiang Heng’s live broadcast room. "In fact, the anchor also has many rising channels, and I plan to further my talents in the future." Jiang Heng hopes to work hard and save more money to lay a better economic foundation for the future.

  Craftsmen try to find the market to test the water live.

  Yu Jianhua, 43, was born in Quannongshan Town, Lianhuashan Eco-tourism Resort in Changchun. He has worked as a tower crane and a barbecue chef. Because he loved straw weaving since he was a child, in June 2018, he founded Changchun Limin Fangcao Farmers’ Professional Cooperative. In just four months, he applied for six intellectual property rights protection with his own weaving method and design.

  In order to open the market of straw-woven products, Yu Jianhua took two small videos of the straw-woven scene with the help of the popularity of the live broadcast platform. Unexpectedly, one of the videos showing the deaf-mutes working on small pendants suddenly became popular.

  The live account has increased by 40,000 fans in three days, which made him too excited to sleep. "I remember it very clearly. It was August 21, 2019. At 8 o’clock in the evening, I specially rushed to the office from home to try live broadcast for the first time."

  Since then, Yu Jianhua will broadcast live on time every night from 8: 00 to 10: 00, and the "typhoon" has become more and more skilled. The number of fans has gradually increased to more than 80,000. Some people want to study in this industry, as well as some leaders of foreign cooperatives, cadres who want to develop poverty alleviation industries and merchants engaged in the import and export trade of handicrafts.

  "The live broadcast has a great influence on me. It not only exercises my expression ability, but also gives me a deeper understanding of the craft. I want people who like this industry not only to learn the compilation skills, but also to benefit from it." Yu Jianhua said that through the live broadcast platform, Fangcaoshe’s products were sold out of stock, and its brand influence was growing.

  Affected by the epidemic, Fangcaoshe has not resumed work, but this has not delayed the normal live broadcast work. As the first person to draft the live broadcast, he now adjusts the daily live broadcast to once a week, and puts more energy into developing the industry. He plans to unite the leaders of straw weaving cooperatives all over the country to make straw weaving into a large-scale, high-quality value-added industry and take the brand development route.

  The working boy became the "online celebrity" with goods.

  Liu Jinyin, 29, was born in Shi Cun, Block 3, Majie Street, Hejiang County, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province. After dropping out of school, she began to learn crafts and work everywhere. Two years ago, Liu Jinyin, who failed to start a business, saw that some workers made money on the live broadcast platform in their spare time and wanted to try it.

  Liu Jinyin, who tried the live broadcast of water for the first time, went from trial and error to skilled technology, and his income and expenditure began to have a surplus. Later, the staff of the platform made a special trip from Beijing to Liu Jinyin’s home to introduce his experience from dropping out of school to playing live broadcast and then influencing others. Since then, he has become popular and the number of fans has risen rapidly.

  After breaking into fame, Liu Jinyin, who has been living in rural areas by live broadcast, began to sell mountain products, and set the agricultural products base of the online shop in Shiding Mountain, a poor village more than 70 kilometers away from home. The local native products raised and planted in the original ecology are of high quality and are very popular with fans. In 2019, all kinds of agricultural and sideline products were sold for nearly 5 million yuan, which helped the villagers to increase their income by more than 3,000 yuan per capita, and made the villagers in Shiding Mountain feel the "power" of online celebrity.

  During the epidemic, express delivery stopped in some areas, and Liu Jinyin’s newly opened physical store with an investment of 100,000 yuan was also forced to close, which affected his income to some extent. Fortunately, the current express delivery is gradually recovering, and the income is slowly getting better.

  Today, Liu Jinyin’s live account has 850,000 fans, and the sales of mountain products have been in short supply. This year, he plans to increase the total sales to more than 20 million yuan. In the future, he hopes to continue to create well and help more poor mountainous areas get rid of poverty and become rich.

  "My culture is not high. If I don’t change and innovate, fans will get bored sooner or later." Liu Jinyin was not lost by the aura of "online celebrity". He rationally told reporters that the competition in the industry was becoming more and more fierce, and he had to bear great pressure every day. He paid attention to current events whenever he had leisure time, and read books on media operation, food and other aspects, so as to make himself more connotative and have development potential.